Theory Of Change

The YIELD Hub Theory of Change was developed in 2019 in response to a field-wide call for common definitions of success and ways to track the implementation of quality youth partnership in adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRHR).
In 2023, the YIELD Hub reviewed its theory of change (ToC) and indicators to respond to developments in the youth partnership and AYSRHR field. A series of interviews were held with partners across our various action learning cycles to create a revised ToC. The Youth Partnership in AYSRHR Theory of Change Working Group, created for this purpose, guided and influenced further refinement.

Click on image to download the fully detailed and interactive version of the Theory of Change.

UPCOMING: Theory of Change Guidelines

The renamed and revised Theory of Change for Youth Partnership in AYSRHR now includes a list of barriers and drivers of success (see detailed version). It is a proposed tool for the adolescent and youth SRHR field to consider adopting in their strategies, work plans and programs. It is conceptualised beyond the functions of the YIELD Hub to reflect the most relevant actions and outcomes of all actors working in the youth partnership in AYSRHR field.

This Theory of Change Guidelines document will provide tools, definitions and descriptions that make it easier to understand and use the ToC framework. It will also include a list of sample indicators and unintended outcomes for use in measurement, evaluation and learning. It is a practical guide designed to ensure the ease of use by youth and adult partners looking to influence change in the short, medium and long term in youth partnership in AYSRHR.