The Youth Partnership in AYSRHR Theory of Change acknowledges that young people’s contributions to AYSRHR are strengthened by partnerships with both peers and adult allies, and that adult partners help build youth capabilities and encourage youth agency.
The ToC is tool for the adolescent and youth SRHR field to consider adopting in their strategies, work plans and programmes. It is conceptualised beyond the functions of the YIELD Hub to reflect the most relevant actions and outcomes of all actors concerned with youth partnership in AYSRHR field.

Click on image to download the fully detailed and interactive version of the Theory of Change.
Theory of Change Guidelines

The Theory of Change Guidelines document provides tools, definitions and descriptions that make it easier to understand and use the ToC framework. In the framework, the joint efforts of youth and adult partners are accelerated by drivers of success that respond to barriers to adult-youth partnerships. The result of these reciprocal and mutually reinforcing
efforts are positive changes for individuals (youth and
adults alike) that drive outcome-level changes in both
the AYSRHR ecosystem and broader society.
The guidelines also include a list of sample indicators and unintended outcomes for use in measurement, evaluation and learning. It is a practical guide designed to ensure the ease of use by youth and adult partners looking to influence change in the short, medium and long term in youth partnership in AYSRHR.
These organisations affirm the ToC framework as a tool for the adolescent and youth SRHR field to consider adopting in their strategies, work plans and programmes.
Want to help establish a new standard for youth-partnerships in AYSRHR (and beyond)? Join these organisations and endorse the Youth Partnership in AYSRHR Theory of Change!
In 2023, the YIELD Hub reviewed its theory of change (ToC) and indicators to respond to developments in the youth partnership and AYSRHR field. A series of interviews were held with partners across our various action learning cycles to create a revised ToC. The Youth Partnership in AYSRHR Theory of Change Working Group, created for this purpose, guided and influenced further refinement. The YIELD Hub team extends its appreciation for the contributions of the Working Group, namely:
Lore Remmerie Researcher
Miranda Van Reeuwijk Rutgers International
Atukwatse Nestor Restless Development
Chengetai Dziwa Frontline AIDS
Shelani Palihawadana YET4H
Gift Kiti Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
Bwalya Mukuka Young Women in Action