Our work is guided by four strategic objectives: action learning and capacity-building, evidence and knowledge management, outreach and influence, and strategic partnerships. While our work focuses on Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (AYSRHR), we also work on youth partnership in issues closely related to AYSRHR, such as education, livelihoods and climate change.
The YIELD Hub emerged from the 2019 Youth Investment, Engagement and Leadership Development (YIELD) Project report, commissioned by four philanthropic foundations to investigate the status of adolescent and youth participation in SRHR. The report concluded: “More and better investment in adolescent and youth participation and leadership is essential for SRHR programmes – and the young people in them – to realize their potential.”
The YIELD Hub has pursued this mission since 2022, using ‘collective action learning’ – a problem-solving method for generating innovative solutions to complex problems – to develop ways for practitioners to enable adolescents and youth to engage in AYSRHR. This core work on action learning has been supported by communication and outreach activities, partner convenings and advocacy.
To develop the capability of individuals and institutions to advance AYSRHR through collective problem-solving.
To generate and disseminate evidence, tools and new norms to strengthen the field of AYSRHR and young leaders.
To amplify the reach and influence of youth-centred approaches through advocacy, digital engagement, and participation in global fora.
To establish and deepen collaborative partnerships that enhance the YIELD Hub’s ability to address systemic barriers to AYSRHR.
You can download practical guides, tips & recommendations, reports & case studies, useful toolkits, and research.
See our work come to life through cycle related blogs and updates on international events we attend.
Organisations who have joined our Action Learning Cycles
The YIELD Hub, hosted by Rutgers International, follows its Integrity Framework.
To make a report, submit a complaint or other questions about the Integrity Framework, please send an email to Integrity@rutgers.nl or call the general number +31 30 2313431.
For more information please visit: Integrity at Rutgers – Rutgers