Meet Action Learning Cycle 6 Members
Youth-led organisations face barriers in accessing sustainable funding globally and nationally. Limited resources hinder innovation and expansion of successful initiatives, especially in the Global South. Key barriers include inadequate global funding, tokenistic practices, strict eligibility criteria, and lack of domestic support.
The boys talk the talk: Young women’s restricted role in Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights work
Women’s autonomy over their sexual and reproductive lives largely remains constrained. This is not only exclusive to developing nations, but a global phenomenon. It was only a year ago when we were rightly disturbed by the Roe vs Wade headlines affecting women’s reproductive rights in the United States. Indeed, compared to young men, young women…
Call for Applications: Action Learning Groups
The YIELD Hub increases young people’s partnership in AYSRHR by facilitating cross-stakeholder action learning processes and influencing norm change. We offer a unique space and approach for committed stakeholders to come together to learn, share and align for normative change. – Action learning groups tor – We use action learning to develop new and creative…
Introducing our 2nd Cohort of Action Learning Group Members
Measurement of Youth Partnership Current efforts to measure the impacts of youth contribution and partnership within the Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) field are hindered by limited resources available for monitoring and evaluation and the splintered and disconnected nature of what to measure within the SRHR field. The YIELD Hub…
Advancing Cross-Stakeholder Partnership In Adolescent and Youth SRHR through Action Learning.
Perhaps what makes action learning so unique is the level of introspection it takes, pushing organisations to look within themselves first to shift the narrative on youth partnership in the adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health rights (ASRHR) ecosystem. The YIELD Hub was launched in 2022, emerging from the research and engagement of the…
Announcement: Save the Date for International Youth Day 2022, Twitter Chat
The International Youth Day, 2022, provides an opportunity for the YIELD Hub and its partners, particularly Action Learning Group members of the current ongoing cycle on Gender, to demonstrate the power and impact of intergenerational partnerships in SRHR. The YIELD Hub engages different stakeholders, through Collective Action Learning which is a problem-solving method, to generate…
Welcome to the YIELD Hub!
The Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (AYSRHR) space is truly an inspirational field, full of passionate individuals who seek to improve the lives of adolescents and young people everywhere. It is the space where I started my advocacy journey and shaped the future that I am living right now. It is…
Meet our first Action Learning Core Group
The YIELD Hub has convened a diverse group of stakeholders to advance collective action learning on how systematic youth partnership can address the gender discrimination and exclusion experienced by young female and gender diverse youth leaders in AYSRHR.This first action learning cycle will support the core group members to reflect on the YIELD Gender Issues…
Meet the YIELD Hub Advisory Board
The Advisory Board provides advice on the overall strategic direction and technical guidance to support the Hub staff in their decision-making and implementation of the strategy. The Advisory Board members act as Hub Ambassadors and champions for youth partnership in AYSRHR by lending their voices, influence, and leveraging their networks to create access to opportunities…