Tag: development

  • Meet Action Learning Cycle 8 Members

    Meet Action Learning Cycle 8 Members

    Youth experiences are diverse and influenced by various factors like gender, class, ethnicity, etc. Young people in AYSRHR face limitations due to age, needing support to transition into professional roles. Stakeholders must provide skills, opportunities, and supportive environments for youth to grow professionally.

  • Meet Action Learning Cycle 7 Members

    Meet Action Learning Cycle 7 Members

    Compensating young people for their work in youth-focused interventions is crucial for sustaining their efforts and investing in their leadership. The lack of compensation creates inequality, with youth from privileged backgrounds dominating leadership roles. Compared to paid positions, unpaid youth volunteers face disadvantages, stress, and burnout.

  • Call for Applications: Action Learning Cycles 6-8

    Call for Applications: Action Learning Cycles 6-8

    We use action learning to develop new and creative ways for adolescents and youth to get involved in SRHR. Action learning processes can help develop leaders, build teams, solve problems and transform institutions and processes. We invite funders, researchers, implementers, INGOs, and youth-led organisations to apply to join our action learning groups.

  • Adventure Time: A student’s journey with the YIELD Hub

    Adventure Time: A student’s journey with the YIELD Hub

    A Master’s student with a passion for global health, reflects on her journey with the YIELD Hub. This video captures her time as a research intern and her takeaway on the power of collaborative learning in advancing global health. Lore shares how the YIELD Hub fosters an authentic, open learning environment that goes beyond traditional…

  • Our Pivotal Presence at the UN General Assembly: A Recap 

    Our Pivotal Presence at the UN General Assembly: A Recap 

    The YIELD Hub, represented by our Director, David Imbago-Jácome, and Richard Dzikunu, the Action Learning Groups Lead, marked a significant milestone by participating in the recently concluded UN General Assembly for the first time. Our primary objective was clear: to amplify the importance youth partnership in global health, especially in the realm of adolescent and…

  • Aging Up, Not Out!: Youth Transition in the SRHR field

    Aging Up, Not Out!: Youth Transition in the SRHR field

    Despite their valuable contributions, young individuals often find themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle of “youth engagement”. Tokenistic youth involvement not only undermines their abilities but also poses a threat to sustainable change.

  • Leading A Global Classroom: The YIELD Hub’s Impact in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    Leading A Global Classroom: The YIELD Hub’s Impact in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    This is a reflective piece from Lore Remmerie, a Master’s student who spent a few months as a research intern with the YIELD Hub team. Lore attended our 2nd Action Learning Cycle representing Rutgers. During this time, she also had the opportunity to learn how the YIELD Hub creates an authentic and open learning environment…

  • Beyond the Basics: Transforming How We Measure and Improve the Quality of SRH Services for Youth

    Beyond the Basics: Transforming How We Measure and Improve the Quality of SRH Services for Youth

    The lack of access to quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for adolescents and youth is a pressing issue. Despite the importance of comprehensive and evidence-based services, many young people still struggle to find the care they need.

  • Meet the Action Learning Online Community

    Meet the Action Learning Online Community

    This year, the YIELD Hub is running three concurrent Action Learning groups covering the below topics; Due to an overwhelming amount of interest in these topics from organisations all over the world, we extended our Action Learning Groups to include an online community of over 60 organisations who will take the journey alongside the core group. The Action…

  • Meet our 5th Action Learning Cycle Group Members

    Meet our 5th Action Learning Cycle Group Members

    Compensating young people is not only a matter of equity but touches on the power dynamics, privilege, and inequality that exist when working with youth. Youth advocates and volunteers are often those who can afford to engage in unpaid roles, with those in underserved, less privileged positions and communities left behind. Compared to adult allies…

  • Meet our 4th Action Learning Cycle Group Members

    Meet our 4th Action Learning Cycle Group Members

    Stakeholders and organisations within the AYSRHR must have a broader view and perspective of what youth participation is about. That is, understanding that youth participation is not only about engaging young people as partners or leaders but necessarily develops from a broad, foundational base, including providing relevant skills (capabilities) and opportunities to apply them (agency).…